① 方便面碗蓋紙 Paper for lids |
138g、143g、148g (壓花/非壓花) Embossed/Unembossed |
卷筒/平張 Roll / Pieces |
方便面碗、杯等配套紙蓋Lids for cups |
② 調味品包裝、牙簽、牙線等包裝 PE coated paper |
48g、50g、58g 70g、78g |
40-800 | 糖、鹽、胡椒等粉劑顆粒包裝Condiments pack paper cup |
③ 奶粉包裝 Packaging for milk powder | 105g | 專用奶粉包裝 Bags for milk powder | |
④ 復膜紙罐襯紙、復箔熱封紙罐襯紙 Laminated paper for paper canister |
97g 127g |
紙罐用紙 Canisters |
⑤ 三邊封袋子及易撕袋、蒸煮袋 Pouches |
多款品種 Multiple |
最小尺寸(min size) 40×80最大尺寸(max size) 200×400 |
各種規格尺寸的袋子適用于各類產品 Multiple |
⑥ 雪糕、冰激凌包裝 Packaging for ice cream | 45- 150g | 40-800 | 雪糕、冰激凌包裝 Ice cream |
⑦ 口香糖包裝 Packaging for chewing | 40- 70g | 口香糖包裝 Chewing | |
⑧ 巧克力包裝 Packaging for chocolate | 90- 130g | 巧克力包裝 Chocolate | |
⑨ 瓜子包裝 Packaging for seeds | 80- 150g | 瓜子包裝 Seeds | |
⑩ 紙杯紙及杯片 Paper cups and cups | 130- 300g | 紙杯紙及杯片 Paper cups and cups |